
Ya can't win 'em all

So remember that post about me getting all fit and what not? It's clearly not paying off. Granted I lost 2 lbs, but to be honest that just kind of hacks me off! Work out for weeks, eat all kinds of healthy crap and all I get is 2 lbs? Well, part of my motivation to work out, other than to get my chunky butt in shape, was this mud run we decided to sign up for a few months ago.

Let me preface this next part by saying, I hate running. It hurts and if something causes me pain, well I'd rather just not take part. So my work-out regime has consisted of long periods of time on the elliptical. It's similar to running right? I found out last Saturday that it most certainly is Not. I typically do around 2.5 miles on it most days plus weights and such, so I figured when this mud run came around I would be fine through most of it and only hate my life towards the last mile. Little did I know that I would hate my life the. entire. time. In fact I felt a good cramp coming on within my first 500 yards and knew immediately, this is going to suck!

And it did.

In fact my only saving grace was another couple, our good friends, that hadn't really trained for it, and they were nice enough to carry me. Not really, but I was not above asking. Where was my husband through all of this? I'm not really sure. In fact he beat all of us. Although, he was nice enough to stop one time to make sure I wasn't dead in the bushes somewhere.

Enough of all that here are a few lovely pictures for your enjoyment...

And this is what we did once we scrubbed all the mud off...


Feeling Sassy

I’ve been feeling sassy the last few days.

Well...Ok, let’s get real, I tend to be sassy most of the time.

I know, I know, you’re thinking “Sassy? You’re never sassy”. You're right, I’m perfectly delightful. But, lately sassy McSasspants is my middle name. Let me give you just a couple examples:

1) I may or may not have instructed my co-workers to oust someone from our friend group because her schedule was too complicated and “Clearly she is too popular for us”.

2) Just like I may or may not have told another co-worker I would have her babies. I mean, she has Really good grammar and who wants a dumb kid that can’t spell?? Not me that’s who. I will gladly accept egg donations from anyone that’s beautiful or intelligent.

Call me vain but don’t act like you don't stress about whether or not your future children will be ugly...or dumb. It's a valid concern.

On a less sassy note:

I saw my first real protestors while I was lost in downtown yesterday.

Yes, after 1 year of working downtown, I still got lost. Apparently 7th street is the new 3rd street. What was supposed to be a shortcut to avoid traffic turned into a self-enacted grand tour of the entire downtown area.

Here are some protestors that are way cooler than the ones I saw...


It's brag time

I feel like bragging.

Bragging on my new fit self. And when I say 'fit' I mean I've actually started working out. And when I say 'working out' I mean I've been doing slightly more than just sitting on my couch.

Let me preface this by saying, I hate working out. Yep, I'm a natural lazy bum who is perfectly content sitting on the couch for hours upon end and no, I won't get bored. My husband on the other hand, a restful Saturday lazing around?(it's a new word, look it up) Not gonna happen.

Not long ago I made the executive decision (because I can do that) that I was going to start working out. I was tired of being unhappy with what I saw in the mirror and I was going to do something about it. Now, if you know me, you know my self-motivation is Severely lacking. However, that has changed! Sort of.

For about 2 weeks now I've been working out at my office's sweet work-out room and I've been loving it. Crazy right! I actually worked out 2x yesterday, once after work and then I ran with the hubs when he got home and for the first time in a LONG time, I wasn't dying! It. Was. Awesome.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a total couch potato. I played sports in school, ran track, etc. and have always been pretty active but when it comes to making myself work out, I have no desire. The husband, sister, cousin, all of them have tried to motivate me, 'It's cool, you run on ahead! I have no shame in walking!' and I will complain the. whole. time. and again, I'm not ashamed.

Where did my sudden surge of motivation come from? I prayed about it. Seriously. I prayed for motivation and God said, 'You got it girl!'. At least that's how I imagine it, while he gives me a wink and thumbs up. Now I'm somewhat of a slow learner (true story). When God does cool things for me, it tends to take me awhile to catch on. I typically have a reaction somewhat like, "So Thaaaat's why I've been motivated! I prayed about it! Duh!". < that reaction tends to happen mid prayer-as I'm praying for motivation. Moral of the story, my God is pretty awesome and I'm going to have a rockin' hot bod! Like this..

Not Really.
But maybe



As you can tell, I've given my blog a little make over. I tend to be indecisive so if you've been checking out my blog the last few days, it's probably looked different every time. Although, I think I've finally decided I like it!

What do you think??

No, I'm no professional and I have absolutely no clue what HTML or CSS codes mean but I can make my way around Paint (but then again who can't). I did get a little help from Leelou Blogs though. I snatched up one of her free banners as you can see from my header. I copy and pasted it into Paint, added my own title and the dots around it! 100 edits later I finally decided I like it!

Tell me what you think......and go!