
Pick one.

In case your wondering why I never write anything on here, I like to wait several months between each of my posts, I feel like it keeps the suspense going for the 3 people that might actually read this blog.


Through-out the day I continuously think of awesome things to blog about but I never actually do, until today. I just thought this conversation was too epic not to share....(and honestly, Shelby and I could be the only ones who think its funny)

Actual texts between the husband and myself:

Last night...

Haley: Can we get a 3-legged cat named Billy Bob? Oooor a hairless Chinese crested mix puppy?

(I was bored and looking at animals on Craigslist)

For you viewing pleasure, Billy Bob the cat:

And for even more viewing pleasure, Gargoyle. The very hairless Chinese crested mix puppy:

Adorable right?! I mean, how could you possibly choose between the two? A cat with 3 legs or a hairless dog. Maybe we should get them both!

Needless to say, Shelby never answered my text, until our conversation today....

Haley: Can I get a $35 car detailing coupon?

Shelby: No.

Shelby: We have no money.

Haley: Babe, it's either that or Billy Bob the cat...you choose.

Haley: Babe, I think I need that desk and those barstools from Craigslist

(Don't tell me these aren't awesome...because they are)

Shelby: One chair costs $100! I choose Billy Bob.

Haley: But he's old and will probably die soon...barstools last forever!

Shelby: Barstools can't love you back like a 3-legged cat.

Haley: This conversation is awesome.

So maybe I'm the only one who thinks this conversation was great. Although, if you don't, you are probably lame...I'm just sayin.