
It's 3am and.....

So it's around 3:20 in the morning and I've been laying in bed for close to an hour trying to sleep but apparently that's not going to happen. I even prayed that the Lord would calm me down and help me sleep but clearly His will says otherwise...whatever, I'm not bitter.

Anyways, here's a little re-cap of how my night has gone...
I went into work at 8pm (yes I said pm) and didn't get off until around 2:15am (really, I'm not kidding). The reason for all this madness is my jobs glorious set changes.

Let me explain a little more about it... basically I spent the last 6 hours moving furniture, pedestal's, dishes, setting shelves, etc. But let me tell you this is no easy task (the whole setting shelves part to be exact), in fact the man (I'm assuming it's a man because no woman would be this idiotic) who designed these shelves should do all of us a favor and put a bullet through his leg (notice I said leg instead of head to make it sound a tad bit nicer) because the pain he should feel would be somewhat equivalent to the stress and pain we went through tonight trying to get them in place.

Set changes are NO easy task, in fact they are pretty stressful and extremely tiring. (Ok, it wasn't all bad, I love my co-workers and I might have thrown in a few dance parties throughout the night, jammed out to some Ashley Simpson, Shania Twain, Eminem....whatever) Which brings me to my next thought (I know, your jumping with joy to read the next sarcastic comment I'm about to write).....

How is it that after 6 hours straight of ridiculous hard work do I not run into my apartment, jump into my comfy bed and immediately fall asleep with such relief??

Yeah, I don't know the answer to that question either. Apparently I'm supposed to be here at what is now 3:41am, blogging, so my whole 7 followers (and my mom) can read about my night. But my incredibly intelligent mind just can't shut off. Here's a little re-cap of my thoughts....because I know you want to know (you probably don't want to know):

"I wonder who such and such (insert name here) would have as bridesmaids whenever she gets married? I know she would have me as a bridesmaid....she better have me as a bridesmaid! I wonder where I would stand in line? I know her sister would be MOH, and then ______would definitely come next, and then I bet it would be me. Wait.....CRAP! I forgot she is really good friends with _______! I wonder if I would come before or after her.....surely before!" ...side note....we ALL know you stand in order of importance....and even if you don't, we all assume that's how you did it. Me, on the other hand, stood my girls up in order of how long I'd known each one (with the exception of Kendal and Christi because, in fact, they have both known me since birth, so it was kind of a tie). ....end of side note....  I know this all seems strange, but I want to be a bridesmaid SO bad! Yeah, I know, who Really wants to be a bridesmaid? I do. I've never been one and the whole planning of showers, bachelorette parties, etc seems Really fun to me! I know how awesome all of my girls were (holla) and all the amazing ladies who threw my shower and I want to be part of that for someone else (other than just my sister, I mean that's a given because I'm awesome and she loves me so much).

Now don't ask me why I was thinking about all this at 3am because I couldn't tell you. In fact, I'm feeling pretty brave just admitting it to you.

It's embarrassing.