
So I finally finished my first 'fall' project (one of many). I made this little guy and he might just be the cutest thing ever...seriously!
I found this super cute bat I wanted to make, but who wants tons of Halloween decorations to store in a 1-bedroom apartment? Not me, that's whoo. So I decided to make an All-season owl who I will adorn with bat wings, santa hat, bunny ears, etc...

I made an awesome little trip to Goodwill and found some great little goodies that I'm going to use in our bedroom....

some super cute, old-school books that I"m going to use for whatever I please, and silver candle holders!
All for $12...Awesome!

After my Goodwill trip, I made a stop by Hobby Lobby (only my favorite place Ever!) and picked up some more craft stuff! Clearly I made the owl from the felt I bought, but the other stuff? Well, you will see what I have in mind soon!



The married life....

So this is my first post since the wedding and the first time I've blogged in FOREVER!! Once we get our wedding pictures I will post some on here.
Today I made Chicken Parmesan in my new crock pot and I just pulled a dump cake out of the oven (Delish!!). My dump cake was so perfect I had to take a picture of it, which is what inspired me to blog again!
This dump cake took me a little while to make....I had part of it done already and while heating up the 2nd stick of butter, it exploded all over the microwave. Aaand it was my last stick of butter.....

Chicken paresan in the making...
(Please note...I've never actually made chicken parmesan or even had it, and I have no clue how to make it! haha So I just kind of made it up!)
And here's the finished product...I realize something green would have looked much more visually appealing, but I really wanted corn!
On another food note....
funny story....
I was making chicken and dumplings the night before last and gave Shelby the job of opening up the biscuits. As we all know, when you pull the tab, they usually don't pop open like they are supposed to. So despite Shelby's attempt to bang it against the counter top, this guy was determined to stay in the tube. In a last attempt to open it, Shelby grabs the tube and thrusts it upwards against the edge of the counter hitting the metal seal Just right, causing the tube to Literally explode EVERYWHERE!! We died laughing for about 5 minutes straight until we could finally gain composure to clean it up. We had biscuits all over the kitchen, floor, and even the couch in the living room! (I wasn't kidding when I said it exploded!) Imagine those little confetti tubes, ya know the ones where you pull the string which pops the top and confetti comes out...yah...just like that! It was Awesome!