
So school has started ....

So school has officially started and I begin another year of early mornings, late nights, and never enough sleep! Except this semester I'm starting out with a brand new major of Retail. Wait....I've started a brand new major EVERY semester?! So what's new? So far my classes have been just fine and I think I might actually enjoy them! (sshhhh...don't tell!) Let's all pray that I end up Loving them because if I don't then I'm just gonna have to get over it, because I'm not changing again!


Strange happenings....

So as my 2nd post ever......

Story #1
Today I made a chicken salad sandwich to have for lunch while at work. After making the sandwich and putting it in a ziploc I wondered over to the pantry to find something to go with it. I saw a bag of Fritos and thought they might go nicely together. While reaching for yet another ziploc to put some Fritos in I saw my sandwich bag and thought " Why not just put the Frito's in with the sandwich and save a bag!" So I did. Around 2 hrs later, while at work, I remember my sandwich and the brilliant idea that went with and decided to eat. Much to my dismay I found out that my brillian idea was not so brilliant....apparently I was dealing with some thirsty little Fritos. They absorbed All the moisture from my bread, leaving me with very dry crusty bread and soggy Fritos. FAIL!
With my attempt to be thrifty I was left with an unsatisfying lunch.

Story #2
While running errands this afternoon I saw a guy on a bike carrying a trombone (not in it's case). Strange....