
My Dad Rox!

Yes, I know it's right after Mother's Day so one would assume that I would be blogging about my Mom, and although she is pretty much the greatest ever, I decided to blog about the ole' pops tonight.

Let me just explain a bit about what your are about to see and how it came about....
While cruising around the Crate & Barrel website I came across this driftwood table. Yes I know, it's awesome right?! But needless to say I don't have $400 to spend on an end table, so of course my creative wheels start turning contemplating how I can make my own version of this. I researched driftwood and go figure, it's all too expensive or way too small and we don't have an ocean, river, or a lake anywhere around Lubbock where I could go look for some, and the chance of finding any is pretty much slim to none. So instead of trying to re-create the same table I figured I would create my own version.

The next time I went home to Big Spring, Mom, Dad and I headed out to the farm, where Dad dumps all of our branches, with chainsaw in tow. We found the few branches that weren't mesquite trees, were the right texture and right width I had in mind, and we started sawing away. Ok, so I measured and Dad cut, and Mom helped load the logs into the car (we all played a part). I've decided my parents are pretty much amazing because what parents would give up their Sunday afternoon nap to help their daughter fulfill her crazy end table antics? That's right, mine would!

Basically I wanted to create an end table that was rustic modern with the warmth of wood. Aaaand I did!
Dad sat out in the hot hot hot garage for hours with me sawing, sanding, and screwing this table together. Ok, I'll admit, Dad did all the hard work, I just held the wood in place, but that's what makes him the best dad ever. Seriously, there's no argument.
And here's the finished product!!
I'm so proud!
It turned out exactly how I wanted! * Please ignore the excessive amount of cords running behind it.
**Shout out to the hubs who got me the glass to go on top for $1!