
Epic Fail of the day.

Let me just preface this post with a bit of an explanation. I haven't blogged since, oh, forever, and there is ALOT that has gone on since then. 1st off, we've moved. Moved to the good ole' DFW, that's right, we're big time. Maybe that's a small thing to most but the Shelbs and I are pretty much small town all around and we like us some Big Spring (surprising I know) and even more than that we love being close to our families. But we are young, have degrees, and have nothing holding us back so we decided to move.

Initially we decided we were moving whether we had jobs or not but figured we could always transfer with our current jobs if need be. Fortunately enough for me, I was offered a position in my company's Corporate Office...a big awesome high rise right in the middle of down town Fort Worth (seriously...it's way cool). So this is where I've been for the past 2 weeks, trying to adjust to big city life, having a real 8-5 job, traffic, big high rises, confusing down town aaaaand parking garages.....which brings me to....

The Epic Fail of the Day....

So my company actually shares a building with Chesapeake Energy and with that brings many contractors on site for....I have no clue what for...regardless, there is a separate parking lot for just contractors that doesn't require any form of parking sticker, authorization, or ...shade. This is where I've been parking for 2 weeks and my little car has been roasting in the sun. On Tuesday, while eating my sandwich in my car (because I'm lame have no one to eat lunch with yet), I finally remembered to get my license plate # and turn it in so I could get my little sticker and park in the parking garage.

The next morning, I had my sticker and I was psyched to park in the shade. Unfortunately as I got closer I realized how daunting that gate seemed and I wasn't really sure what to do and I might have creepily parked outside for a little bit and watched other people going in to make sure I knew what to do. Fairly confident in my observation skills I pulled out and up to the gate, rolled down my window and pressed the button, but nothing happened, so I pushed it again as well as everything else that closely resembled a button (all the while people are lining up behind me waiting for me to figure it out) and finally security comes on through the little speaker asking if I needed something.

I need to get through the stupid gate!
(I didn't really say that)

They so nicely informed me I need to swipe my super cool key card (which I'm really stoked about and love wearing around) and the gate will open.

Ok, easy enough...swipe, voila, I'm in.

I pull in and see all these parking spots and wonder 'why is no one parking in these spots? It's right by the door! I'm thinking 'Heck to the Yeah this parking spot rocks!' Good job.

Fast forward to lunch, I decide to go fill up my car. It takes me THREE tries to find the level my car is on. Luckily no one saw me walk up the stairs, out the door, back in the door, down the stairs, out another door, back in the door, down some more stairs, out the door and finally! I found it! So obviously irritated at this point I get to my car and realize I forgot to lock it. I quickly did a run down of all things important to me in my car (like my target sunglasses sitting on the dash, 16 bucks....oh yeah!), fortunately everything seemed to be in place. So I pull out and at this point I'm facing in an upward direction, start driving, look to my left, to my right and realize all the arrows are pointing one way and that way takes me up....but I want to go down because that's where the exit is. So I figure I'll just go with it and assume there is some simple way to get down just around the corner.

There isn't.

I go up and up and up and around and around and around and then somewhere around 5 minutes later and thoroughly confused, I finally make it to the stupid exit and fully affirm my hatred for parking garages!

It was then that I realized why no one wants to park in all those super close parking spots, because it's impossible to get out! If you know me, you know I HATE parking garages. I feel the need to duck the whole time I'm driving because, I don't know, somehow those concrete beams aren't going to be high enough for my little car to drive under, so I must overcompensate. And what bad movie have you ever watched that someone Hasn't been killed or mugged in a parking garage? That's right, none!

So I hate them and will continue to do so, but regardless I will still park in the stupid thing because A. I have a sticker and a super cool badge that allows me too and B. my car that looks like a toaster no longer feels like one when I get inside it!

That was crazy long winded....sorry.