
Feeling Sassy

I’ve been feeling sassy the last few days.

Well...Ok, let’s get real, I tend to be sassy most of the time.

I know, I know, you’re thinking “Sassy? You’re never sassy”. You're right, I’m perfectly delightful. But, lately sassy McSasspants is my middle name. Let me give you just a couple examples:

1) I may or may not have instructed my co-workers to oust someone from our friend group because her schedule was too complicated and “Clearly she is too popular for us”.

2) Just like I may or may not have told another co-worker I would have her babies. I mean, she has Really good grammar and who wants a dumb kid that can’t spell?? Not me that’s who. I will gladly accept egg donations from anyone that’s beautiful or intelligent.

Call me vain but don’t act like you don't stress about whether or not your future children will be ugly...or dumb. It's a valid concern.

On a less sassy note:

I saw my first real protestors while I was lost in downtown yesterday.

Yes, after 1 year of working downtown, I still got lost. Apparently 7th street is the new 3rd street. What was supposed to be a shortcut to avoid traffic turned into a self-enacted grand tour of the entire downtown area.

Here are some protestors that are way cooler than the ones I saw...


  1. i'm sassy on a daily basis. it's a curse, possibly. and yes, i'm always fearful that our genes will collide weirdly and we'll have ugly babies.

    ok...funny signs. what on EARTH are they protesting?

  2. That makes me feel so much better that I'm not the only one who is scared of having ugly babies!
