
It's brag time

I feel like bragging.

Bragging on my new fit self. And when I say 'fit' I mean I've actually started working out. And when I say 'working out' I mean I've been doing slightly more than just sitting on my couch.

Let me preface this by saying, I hate working out. Yep, I'm a natural lazy bum who is perfectly content sitting on the couch for hours upon end and no, I won't get bored. My husband on the other hand, a restful Saturday lazing around?(it's a new word, look it up) Not gonna happen.

Not long ago I made the executive decision (because I can do that) that I was going to start working out. I was tired of being unhappy with what I saw in the mirror and I was going to do something about it. Now, if you know me, you know my self-motivation is Severely lacking. However, that has changed! Sort of.

For about 2 weeks now I've been working out at my office's sweet work-out room and I've been loving it. Crazy right! I actually worked out 2x yesterday, once after work and then I ran with the hubs when he got home and for the first time in a LONG time, I wasn't dying! It. Was. Awesome.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a total couch potato. I played sports in school, ran track, etc. and have always been pretty active but when it comes to making myself work out, I have no desire. The husband, sister, cousin, all of them have tried to motivate me, 'It's cool, you run on ahead! I have no shame in walking!' and I will complain the. whole. time. and again, I'm not ashamed.

Where did my sudden surge of motivation come from? I prayed about it. Seriously. I prayed for motivation and God said, 'You got it girl!'. At least that's how I imagine it, while he gives me a wink and thumbs up. Now I'm somewhat of a slow learner (true story). When God does cool things for me, it tends to take me awhile to catch on. I typically have a reaction somewhat like, "So Thaaaat's why I've been motivated! I prayed about it! Duh!". < that reaction tends to happen mid prayer-as I'm praying for motivation. Moral of the story, my God is pretty awesome and I'm going to have a rockin' hot bod! Like this..

Not Really.
But maybe

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