
Ya can't win 'em all

So remember that post about me getting all fit and what not? It's clearly not paying off. Granted I lost 2 lbs, but to be honest that just kind of hacks me off! Work out for weeks, eat all kinds of healthy crap and all I get is 2 lbs? Well, part of my motivation to work out, other than to get my chunky butt in shape, was this mud run we decided to sign up for a few months ago.

Let me preface this next part by saying, I hate running. It hurts and if something causes me pain, well I'd rather just not take part. So my work-out regime has consisted of long periods of time on the elliptical. It's similar to running right? I found out last Saturday that it most certainly is Not. I typically do around 2.5 miles on it most days plus weights and such, so I figured when this mud run came around I would be fine through most of it and only hate my life towards the last mile. Little did I know that I would hate my life the. entire. time. In fact I felt a good cramp coming on within my first 500 yards and knew immediately, this is going to suck!

And it did.

In fact my only saving grace was another couple, our good friends, that hadn't really trained for it, and they were nice enough to carry me. Not really, but I was not above asking. Where was my husband through all of this? I'm not really sure. In fact he beat all of us. Although, he was nice enough to stop one time to make sure I wasn't dead in the bushes somewhere.

Enough of all that here are a few lovely pictures for your enjoyment...

And this is what we did once we scrubbed all the mud off...


  1. I love that Kaylee, Emily, and Shelby are smiling and everyone else is trying to be tough. Looks like fun!

  2. omg. i did one of these runs one time. thought i was going to die. then i realized the other girl on my team was literally being dragged by her husband. but hell, she had JUST had a baby.

    so...everyone beat me but the girl who had just given birth. lame. so lame. at least i (we, me and you) did it.

  3. you are so brave for doing a mud run. I think I would die in the mud lol. good job!! that's amazing. And the pool afterwards looks even more amazing!

    just want to thank you for entering my giveaway and let you know that today and tomorrow you can receive 15% off that bracelet or anything in my store with the code TMBLOG. Here is a link to my store...


    Hope all is going well! That pool picture made me jealous, that's the one thing I hate about the city, no pools to go swimming in outside. I am determined to find a pool somewhere!



    1. Oh girl, I read your blog all.the.time. and I'm super jealous of your NY life and FIT. Although pools=awesome, mud runs=not so awesome!

  4. I love the mud run! So fun!

    Just found your cute blog, btw :]


  5. graet post honey, i love this phots!


  6. Ah my husband is huge runner and I always HATED IT. It sucks so much I can't imagine people actually enjoying it.. they must have been lying!
    But after having this baby I was working out 5-6 days a week and eating right and... the weight was coming off like .5lbs a week. What the eff? Not fair at all. So my husband pushed me to run and I dreaded it but did about 5 minutes a day just to say I was doing it. Well the time got longer and longer and while I can only do 15 minutes straight of running... I love it! It makes me feel soo great... and I started to lose 2-3lbs a WEEK. Gah!

  7. ummm a mud race? that sounds awesome! and you are gorgeous girl!
